Wednesday, January 1, 2020

Reflection Paper - 1050 Words

Reading and writing is a fundamental part of our learning experience. Reading allows you to enter worlds and experience things you wouldn’t be able to experience anywhere else and writing expands your knowledge not only on a specific topic but you learn more about yourself, you’ll be surprised how far your imagination can take you as soon as your pen hits the paper. Growing up reading for me had to be the most draining and boring activity I was forced to do. Literally, it surrounded me everywhere I went. Church Home and School, it was something I just couldn’t seem to escape and when I thought I found an escape through playing instruments I had to read music, I soon realized that it felt forced because†¦show more content†¦In his piece of writing called, â€Å" The Joy of Reading and Writing: Superman and Me†, Alexie states, â€Å" I fought with my classmates on a daily basis. They wanted me to stay quiet when the non-Indian teac her asked for answers, for volunteers, for help†¦Ã¢â‚¬  That’s how it was for me everyday kids weren’t very nice and often belittled me. They told me how unintelligent I was which was ironic because I was smarter than most if not all the kids in school. When you read you also gain experience and knowledge from another person through their writing, I knew from reading that words were just words and what you choose to do with what was and is said to you could make a big difference not only your life but the others around you. So I stayed quiet and kept reading but I wasn’t reading books anymore it was sheet music. I was alone, I had to depend on something to make me feel better so I learned how to play piano by reading the instructions given to me, by reading books on music theory and the outcome was amazing. Oddly enough I didn’t care much for writing until later in life. I was in therapy and I’ll never forget my therapist telling me â€Å"Th ere is no greater agony than bearing an untold story inside you.† This was a quote by the great Maya Angelou and it still resonates with me to this day because it was so true. Writing for me encouraged creativity and exploration, it helped me organize everything around me leavingShow MoreRelatedReflection Paper1317 Words   |  6 Pagesused to struggle with forming my thoughts into writing, let alone a paper. I was never confident with what I wrote. My writing had no greater purpose other than the assignment. My writing process included: writing my paper, proofreading it, and turning it in. Once the paper left my hands, it also left my mind. Throughout this course we worked with others, visited the writing lab, wrote critiques, and we were able to revise our papers. I believe that all of this is has caused me to grow greatly as aRead MoreReflection Paper836 Words   |  4 Pagesand integrating quotes. 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