Saturday, November 9, 2019

Contemporary Religious Issues in Christianity Essay

Over time in various religions, there has been conflict. If not within one particular religion then there would be conflicting with each other. Christianity is a religion that most certainly has this issue. With many struggles in religion that people are face with today that would assists in the division of our human population, some religions still share some of the same beliefs. Though all religions are vastly different, the overall belief is geared to praise and worship God. Two religions that will be discussed in this paper that conflict with Christianity are Judaism and Islam. In Judaism, besides cultural division within, most of their conflict is with modern society. In Islam, the Muslim community has a great political outlook that has been coupled with their religious beliefs and stereotyping has been more recently a trigger for conflict. In this paper we will discuss the contemporary issues within Christianity. We will review the historical connections and theological similarities with other religions such as Judaism and Islam. We will also take a look at Christian denominations and how they interact with Buddhism. Contemporary Issues within Christianity Christians have struggles between their own religion, and with other religions beliefs. Christian’s belief in One God, God of Love. We can find a message in the passages of the Bible; in Genesis, a foundation about God’s creation. The concepts: stewardship and creativity, God blessed them; and God gave them this message, â€Å"Be fruitful and multiply, and fill the earth, and subdue it; and rule over the fish of the sea and over the birds of the sky, and over every living thing that moves on the earth. Bible) 2012 â€Å". The Love of God gets lost in our daily living style because the temptation, we sin and man abused God’s stewardship, and we don’t follow what God is teaching us to do. Christianity and other religions in this new way of living, we all are challenge to face an inevitable change. Social and new technology is responsible for new changes. We ask ourselves, what about religion in the future. Influences, crisis, economy are slowly changing the conservative religion to their surrounding of cultures. This changes are giving new choices to each one of us, and some choices are giving us ethical and cultural choices that force us to examine ourselves in our most basic philosophical believes. Christians and other religions are facing some areas that may raise ethical and religion beliefs. How Christian must respond to such conditions? How can we live with this society and culture that surrounds us? â€Å"Christ of Culture† perspective is exactly the opposite of â€Å"Christ against Culture† This way of living brings culture and Christianity together. God is giving us life – Why humans want to decide to take away our own lives or others. Where is our belief and trust, or mainly where is our Faith in God. Why we want to take control. If God give us life; we must belief and have trust that he has a plan in our lives. Ethical termination of adult life. Do individuals have the right to end their own lives or the lives or their loved ones? Even with major circumstances, do we get the control; where is our faith and believe that God does the impossible. Christianity questions about today is questioning about euthanasia. Passive or Active). Passive allowing the person to die by discontinuing their treatments and active is taking some positive step to terminate the person life by toxic substance or the injection of an air bubble into the blood stream. Euthanasia is the act of putting the death of a person which their illness in not curable but is violating the six commandment† Thou shalt not kill (Murder). Such consent does not relieve the killer of guilt for the sin of murder. Euthanasia is an instance of murder, which is a categorically forbidden in scripture.  Exodus 20:13 (Bakers, 1973), pp. 222 F. This society is giving us the opportunity to take control in our own hands; new technology is changing tremendously our beliefs and if we don’t wake up. This society will be out of control. Historical Connections and Theological Similarities with Other Religions The main historical connection between Judaism and Christianity is the fact that Christianity is a product of Judaism. This happened around the first century C. E. when Christianity was spreading rapidly throughout Europe. Besides Christianity forming out of Judaism, it has a connection through Jesus Christ, as we all know Jesus was a Jew. In fact for most of his life Jesus practice the Judaist faith and even celebrated Jewish holidays. Some of these holidays even became the basis for some of Christianity’s holidays, such as Easter which is based on the Jewish holiday â€Å"Passover†. Despite the fact that Christianity was a result of Judaism, Christians tended to have more freedom than Jews, while the latter was often persecuted for practicing their religion. Christianity has a connection to Israel that is almost as strong as Judaism. Nazareth which is based in Israel is considered the birthplace of Jesus, as well the birthplace of the Jewish Christian Church, however after the destruction of the church’s temple in 70C. E it seems that the church gradually faded into existence. While there may be some differences in how each religion worships and celebrates their religions. They both emphasize people being kind towards one another, believing in one God, and just being an overall good human being. The Christian and Islamic faith do share some of the same beliefs though their religions are vastly different. They both believe that there is one God and that God created the planet and mankind. They to both agree that God is the way of morality and the way or path of justice. It is also believed between the two religions that overall judgment of life is decided after life by heaven or hell. The fundamentalists Muslims and Christians also believe in pollutants such as porn and licentious helps destroy a community or society. There is a huge negative emotion in the western civilization in Islamic countries which explains the reasons of influences that evolve from out west. Of course there are obvious differences between both Christianity and Islam that will forever be unsettled. In these religions, pivotal doctrines are the points in which Christianity and Islam disagree. The overall tone of both beliefs are peaceful, caring, and loving human beings. The Muslim religion has points of emphasis on being peaceful, for instance; In Islam, the Muslims look to Sura 22:56 who say when speaking of religion there’s no compulsion. Though many in the world of Islam would believe that no compulsion means inside their religious world there is no competition amongst religion. Sura 29:46 says do not have a quarrel with outside religions but only if there is wrong doing. However, Sura 41:34 say to be make nice with the person doing wrong by doing good things for that person. Almost similar is the bible which has its parts of conflict with violence mostly from the Old Testament. It contests that a Canaanite society is infested with evil doings especially child sacrifice. God sent Israelites to enforce against the particular injustice and further on did the same against the Israelites. Situations like this within the scriptures of the bible are specifically minimal in circumstances during this time all implemented by God. But as the Quran would suggest, their religion puts this type of command in any time, place, and against any people or religion. Christian Denominations In religion, there is a power struggle to keep itself together. The ten commandments were clear on this issue. â€Å" Thou shall not worship false idols†, (â€Å"Ten Commandments†, 2002-2011). But there are seven billion people on this planet. Chances are that at least one of those seven billion people would want to worship another idol. From this idea, they would separate from their original church and form their own church. Worshiping whomever they found fit to be the one who deserved to be worshiped. As a matter of fact, this has happened many times in the history of Christianity and Judaism. Why are there so many Christian denominations? Well first we would have to differentiate between the non-Christian cults, and the false religions. Christian denominations are Lutherans, as well as Presbyterians. Then there are Jehovah’s witnesses and the Mormon religion, are examples of such cults. But islam and buddism are separate religions all together. Trials such as the protestant reformation gave rise within the Christian church to denominations. A movement to reform the roman catholic church that took place during the 16th century. Out of this event, four major division of traditional Protestantism emerged. These four were Lutheran, reformed, Anglican, and Anabaptist. But many more denominations would grow over the coming centuries. The denomination Lutheran was named after Martin Luther. This is based off of his teachings. Methodist was named from its founder, John Wesley. John Wesley was famous for coming up with methods for spiritual growth. Presbyterianism is named from their view on the churches leadership, and finally, Baptists. They got the name from the importants of the baptism ceremony. But not all the other denominations believe in baptism. So each one has a slightly different doctrine. Another is the availability of the lords supper to all. Or at least those who’s testimonies could be verified by the church leaders. Looking at why they have divisions, it seems clear that its not about Christ as the lord and savior. But it seems rather the differences of opinion by godly, flawed evidence, people seeking god. Seeking to retain doctrinal purity of what is their understanding of his word. Looking at today, denominations are many and vary wildly. The denominations have spawned numerous styles such as Nazarenes, Christian and Missionary Alliance, Evangelical Free, Assemblies of God, ect. Some styles of denomination, emphasizes very little doctrinal differences. But more often, they simply offer different styles of worship. Fitting the differences of Christians. This is the cause for so many forms of Christianity. Conclusion In this paper we have gone over the contemporary issues within Christianity. We have reviewed the historical connections and theological similarities with other religions such as Judaism and Islam. We have also taken a look at Christian denominations and how they interact with Buddhism. In our research we have found that Christianity and other religions in this new way of living, we all are challenge to face an inevitable change. Social and new technology is responsible for new changes. In these religions, pivotal doctrines are the points in which Christianity and Islam disagree. Christianity has a connection to Israel that is almost as strong as Judaism. Some styles of denomination, emphasizes very little doctrinal differences. But more often, they simply offer different styles of worship.

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